Thursday, June 20, 2024

Out and About | Sesame Street Place San Diego

芝麻街樂園有著相當滄桑的歷史,90年代末成立的水上樂園,一直因為缺乏遊客,頻繁更換營業主和更名,2012年再次轉手給了鄰居 Sea World San Diego 試試, 2017年以 Sesame Street Place San Diego 的招牌重新開業...

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Spring Babies

My spring babies turned 8 & 10 this year. 

I love every stage of motherhood but I have to admit that the combination of 8 & 10 years old is a remarkably wonderful time. They are at the age of enjoying the time to themselves and also be able to have fun and be creative when they play together. I especially love the moments that they tell their opinions, ask insightful questions, and share their laughter generously. Both Charles and I grew up as the only child. Seeing them bonding and growing together was new to us. Although we need to put out the fire among them from time to time, it’s nice to have siblings.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Big-Going-On in the Backyard


回顧當初設想的模樣,如今有了新的打算;首先加蓋的睡房區域(14’x 13.25’)比原本的主臥房(18’ x 11.8’)還小了一點,而加蓋的新房間是個日照充足的地方,想著孩子們大了窩在房間的時間恐怕也加長了,所以決定把新加蓋的房間畫給了姊姊妹妹房;另外,當初的想像把餅畫大了,以為這是多大空間,現實哪裡成的了什麼衣帽間,加上這幾年練習簡化物品數量,想來也沒有必要了,於是決定一整個歸給了浴室,不過把門開在原本的主臥房,這樣加減也算是個有獨立衛浴的主臥了

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Out and About | Winter Edition


Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 Remarkable Moments Roundup

On New Year’s Eve 2022 to New Year’s Day of 2023, we spent a night in a bar at The Inn at Death Valley. The story was a lot more complicated than it seemed...

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