This Christmas season we decided to go for a couple of one-day-trip instead of a big travel plan. We went to The Mission Inn for the Christmas lights and captured some Christmassy photos:
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Accent Walls
We always want to try something new in terms of paint in each room. For example, we painted the two opposite walls in red for our living room and all blue for the bathroom. This time, we picked another BOLD color. Instead of painting all walls in the same color, we picked the adjacent walls to be the accent walls. Before the color is disclosed, here are some pinterest ideas that inspire our choice:
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Charles started the painting process on his winter break. He first got the trim done; and then the ceiling:
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
A New Table for Little en
最近看著恩仔坐在地上玩, 時不時會把他的車車開到沙發或是爸媽的工作椅上, 經過外婆提醒, 應該是要給他一張桌子的時候了
在不打算花一毛錢的情況下, 突發奇想跑到車庫裡, 把過去單身買得 IKEA 家具挖出來, 稍微改裝一下, 就成了恩仔的 play table! 自覺很天才, 居然把 TJUSIG系列的鞋架搖身一變成了一張兒童桌!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The Hard Part is Over
I thought little en’s room is going to be a quick renovation since Charles had done those hardcore construction like our living room and bathroom remodel. We are surprised that little en’s room takes a lot longer than we expected. We got the permit in March this year and now it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... It’s been quite a wait for me. I can’t wait to decorate his room! Anyhow, after all the drywall installing, patching and sanding, the hard part is officially over.
Charles installed all the trim during the Thanksgiving long weekend:
Monday, November 30, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Get Back to Work
After saying goodbye to grandpa and grandma, E’s bedroom was all the sudden quiet and cold :( Charles started to get back to finish all the details in the room. First: pick a window and door moulding designs:
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Turning Nineteen Months
First attempt on the toilet! We don’t want to push it and we only do potty when it's number two, so the successful rate is about 3 out of 10 times, not bad.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Out and About | Children’s Garden at Huntington Library
Last year we got a great deal to purchase 2015 annual membership to Huntington Library for half price. Before it expires, we make time to visit there more often. And a few weeks ago, we invited little en’s cousins to join us!
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Repurpose Ikea Spice Racks
這張小小的 Ikea JOKKMOKK dining table 目前是家裡唯一吃飯的地方, 有點小但還過得去...自從恩仔加入餐桌後, 他面前方圓50CM的東西都得收好, 所需用品也越來越多, 於是堆在桌面的東西把整張桌子都填得好滿...
Ikea 便宜又好用的 BEKVAM Spice Rack 又派上用場! 量好位置在櫥櫃側面鑽四個洞
Monday, October 26, 2015
First Time on Dance Floor
September 26, 2015 Claire & Brian’s wedding - Pastel Pink, Gold & Leafy Green
參加婚禮我們習慣把恩仔留給奶奶, 一個月前, 我們第一次帶恩仔出席了一場美麗的婚禮...
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Travel | Catalina Getaway
2015.10.04 - 2015.10.05 Catalina Island, Avalon, California, United States
My parents have already visited a lot of touristy places around California in the past few years, such as San Francisco, San Diego, and of course Las Vegas. I tried to find a getaway destination that my parents have never been to and little en could also spend less time stuck in traffic. I came up with Catalina Island, so we took a two-day-one-night getaway to this boutique island last weekend.
My parents have already visited a lot of touristy places around California in the past few years, such as San Francisco, San Diego, and of course Las Vegas. I tried to find a getaway destination that my parents have never been to and little en could also spend less time stuck in traffic. I came up with Catalina Island, so we took a two-day-one-night getaway to this boutique island last weekend.
We got a little wet while we were boarding but it couldn’t stop little en having fun :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Blocks Fever
There’s no doubt that I’m all obsessive with Lego’s Modular Buildings. There is something else quite similar, when it comes to picking out toys for little en; I find myself searching for wooden blocks all the time. Even though he shows a lot more interests in wheels as opposed to wooden blocks, I still collected a few types of blocks for him...
Here are a few picks that are irresistible to me:
This brand is made-in-Germany. These blocks are coated with beautiful colors and designed with creative shapes. However, they are pretty pricy. Their 6pcs famous rainbow costs $40!
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Halfway Done
Sorry Mom and Dad, we didn’t make it. BUT we promise that you will be moving to the temporary guest room before the coming weekend. Here’s the effort that Charles has accomplished so far:
Weekend September 12-13
All the walls are puttied and sanded for three times!
Weekend September 19-20
The first layer of the primer
The first layer of the primer
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Turning Seventeen Months
little en is actually turning 18 months this week. I know I’ve been a lot lazy lately with getting more photos of him. We didn’t plan many outings recently because daddy has been working on little en’ room for almost every single weekend. Mommy needs to get back on the feet to take more photos even if it’s a rainy day at home…
Anyhow, we were invited to a birthday party at Chubby Cheeks Cafe, where Charles got some cute photos of little en :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Guest Room Progress Report - Part II
Weekend August 22-23 ; Fahrenheit 88∘
Weekend August 29-30 ; Fahrenheit 96∘
重新裝過無數 drywalls 的查理斯這一回是第一次挑戰天花板, 原先的天花板是目前被禁用的 popcorn ceiling, 拆牆時請人一併拆除了; 於是如何一個人完成拼裝天花板這項艱鉅的任務是這間房間的大挑戰, 查理斯運用槓桿原理以及木工的手法製作了一個機器, 將石灰板平放木條, 其中一端利用石磚的重量慢慢抬上...
就這樣, 嶄新的天花板一塊一塊的拼好了~
Weekend September 5-7; Fahrenheit 95∘
利用勞工節長假, 查理斯一口氣拼裝完所有的 drywalls
Monday, August 31, 2015
Guest Room Progress Report - Part I
Weekend August 15-16 ; Fahrenheit 101∘
一邊吹著冷氣一邊敲出這幾個字: 老公真偉大!
恩仔的房間進度被催加成客房進度, 捏指一算距離恩仔外公外婆來訪只剩短短幾個週末, 查理斯連續兩週末在逼近華氏百度的氣溫下填玻璃棉, 安裝窗戶, 立 drywalls…
最苦的是為了防止玻璃棉絮殘留皮膚, 還必須得穿著長袖長褲, 帶著護目鏡、面具... 冒著中暑的危險... (掌聲鼓勵鼓勵!)
查理斯重拆了家裡不少的牆, 這是第一次挑戰換窗; 由於原有的木框架設的很好, 沒有必要拆框, 所以只需要買好窗戶安上即可...
在 HomeDepot買了上下開關式窗戶, 花比較久的時間是在矯正上下左右平衡和刮去窗台上的舊漆
代續...Monday, August 24, 2015
Turning Sixteen Months
第十六個月, 恩仔個性越來越顯明, 詞彙不斷地增加, 居然也開始會玩起辦家家酒, 拿著湯匙一口一口餵著他的布偶娃娃, 可愛極了!
媽媽我想來想去, 想增加一些生活新鮮度: 在家玩玩麵糰...
我們開始不定期地去市立圖書館的幼兒區, 有時還會遇上些小朋友交流交流:
能夠分秒感受你的成長, 真是做母親莫大的幸福...
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Chinese Theater in Lego Town
This building is officially named Palace Cinema, pretty much a miniature of the world famous Chinese Theater on the historic Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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