Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Turning Twenty-Four Months

在六月結束以前, 想把這項小樂一連二十四個月的成長紀錄做個句點; 其實小樂這張已經超過二十四個月了, 她已經練就一個小模特的模樣, 很配合地說笑就笑, 擺什麼姿勢就擺什麼姿勢 (笑)

我們在友人家很簡單地給她吹了兩歲蠟燭, 順便公告當姊姊的消息...

Monday, June 25, 2018

“Off” the Counter Microwave

Due to the lack of experience, we hired someone to remodel our kitchen. We weren’t given many choices. We gave up a lot of ideas, like open up kitchen, peninsula island dining area, and quartz countertop… Our countertop is divided by three sections, which is hard to keep things together and organized. I often found myself finding stuff in the kitchen :( Countertop space is precious!! especially when the kids and I practice cooking together. If any chance we are able to redo our kitchen, I’ll definitely hide the microwave somewhere that is NOT on the counter or maybe consider a built-in microwave.

Under-cabinet: image sourse

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Creating Family Yearbook

I’ve been so behind updating this little space of mine because recently, I’ve got myself into this new hobby: creating our family yearbook. Charles and I found that all those precious and gorgeous photos would be forever left behind in our computer’s drive if we don’t own them in some kind of physical format. We considered nowadays popular photo book at first, like shutterfly. After searching a couple more photo book makers, I found that the idea of Project Life is more appealing to me. What is Project Life?

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