Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Honey Do List -- Bathroom Cabinet Doors

說起來好笑, 我實在是想不起來查理斯到底是什麼時候把這些門給裝上的... 我們怎麼找也找不到製作時的照片, 應該是在Bunk Bed之前?!? 姑且說是今年年初好了, 如此算來距離當時安上牆的置物櫃也相隔四年了...

Monday, September 14, 2020

National Grandparents Day

I learned from my son’s school that yesterday was National Grandparents Day. It reminded me of it’s been 3 years since my dearest popo passed away.

Growing up, I always had this special bonding with her.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Travel | Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel -- 2019

2019.08.31 - 09.02 Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel, Williams, Arizona, United States

如果問最懷念冠狀病毒發生以前的生活, 除了能與親友相聚, 其次便是旅行了... 去年的 Labor Day 長周末, 我們偕奶奶一同入住具有歷史價值的 Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel at Williams. 飯店歷史悠久, 設備一點也不含糊, 室內泳池, 兒童遊戲區, 應有盡有...

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Two Little Monkeys in the House

We have two little climbers in the house. (Maybe soon to be three...) They not only climb all different kinds of furniture but also the doorway frame as it is more of a challenge (Like this). So, daddy got an idea...

The only available wall for these rock climb holds is our hallway, which is still an old plaster wall. To secure the rocks on the wall, Charles first installed them on the big piece of plywood.
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