Saturday, December 26, 2020

Merry Christmas from Home Sweet Home

"Let Christmas come into our world and bring us warmth and cheer, Bring us faith in place doubt and strength in place of fear; Bring us Hope and bring us Love to guide our hear... Let Christmas come into our world and bring us all together." - Unknown (from Hallmark Christmas Card)

Friday, December 18, 2020

Can You Stay Two Forever

Two-year-old is such a fun age! This stay-at-home period makes me deeply appreciate the time we spend together. Thank you for bringing us so much laughter and joy everyday at home little i. We love you to the moon and back!

Friday, December 11, 2020

Get Festive Around the House

其實今年萬聖節一結束, 我們就迫不及待地把聖誕樹搬出來了...

Friday, November 27, 2020

Through My Children’s Eyes

Today is Black Friday. I spent the night (and last night) organizing the photos from my camera roll so that I could stay away from all the ads, deals and sales, which kept tricking me into buying more. As I went through all the pictures, I found some gems that I wanted to make sure I archive them properly. These are the photos that my kids took when I was unaware:  

photo taken by el

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Organize Lego Building Instruction

Since I became a Lego Afol, I’ve accumulated tons of building instruction booklets. I used to throw them in a drawer. However, the number of them just grows so fast that the little drawer is no longer able to house them anymore.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Travel | Glamping at Joshua Tree National Park

2020.11.04 - 11.06 Joshua Tree, California, United States

這個月月初, 咱家又進行了一次三天兩夜之旅, 這次的目的地是 Joshua Tree; 若干年前帶著六個月大的恩仔露營過一回, 那回風沙太大, 媽媽和恩仔躲在車裡過夜, 也沒機會進到國家公園裏, 印象不佳; 這回我們相當幸運地碰上不熱不冷又無風的絕佳天氣! 查理斯 Airbnb 了一台歷史久遠的 Airstream 露營車, 給了我們一次深刻的印象和新鮮的體驗...

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Welcome to Diagon Alley

我沒辦法決定主題是這條樂高 "斜角巷" 還是這三位可愛的霍格華茲學生...XD

Monday, October 26, 2020

Monsters, Inc DIY Dress Up

There are three little monsters in the house… Wait, one is a toddler girl who acts like a monster, a very cute one!!


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Oops He Did It Again…

Recently, we tore down our bedroom “again.” Last time it happened in 2010, which was waaaaay before we became newlywed. I didn’t get involved much back then so this time I get to pick some bold accent color for our bedroom. I’m currently so drawn to navy blue...



Source Link is no longer available

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The “Chu” Simpsons -- 2019


去年沒來得及記錄下來, 又快到一年一度的"變裝"時節, 真的是趁小朋友還願意配合的時候趕緊玩上幾回留念...

Monday, October 12, 2020

Staycation at Sunset Beach

自從上回在 Lake Elsinore 待了個三天兩夜, 印象良好; 在大流行病肆虐的情況下無法實現出國或長途旅行, 山不轉只好路轉, 於是我們決定隔三岔五就來一次如此這般的 staycation... 孩子們對沙灘興致高昂, 趁天氣未轉冷前再到海灘一遊, 於是上個月月底, 我們選擇車距僅不到一個小時的 Sunset Beach, Airbnb 留宿徒步兩分鐘到沙灘的 Beach House, 把海灘當後院~

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Honey Do List -- Bathroom Cabinet Doors

說起來好笑, 我實在是想不起來查理斯到底是什麼時候把這些門給裝上的... 我們怎麼找也找不到製作時的照片, 應該是在Bunk Bed之前?!? 姑且說是今年年初好了, 如此算來距離當時安上牆的置物櫃也相隔四年了...

Monday, September 14, 2020

National Grandparents Day

I learned from my son’s school that yesterday was National Grandparents Day. It reminded me of it’s been 3 years since my dearest popo passed away.

Growing up, I always had this special bonding with her.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Travel | Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel -- 2019

2019.08.31 - 09.02 Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel, Williams, Arizona, United States

如果問最懷念冠狀病毒發生以前的生活, 除了能與親友相聚, 其次便是旅行了... 去年的 Labor Day 長周末, 我們偕奶奶一同入住具有歷史價值的 Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel at Williams. 飯店歷史悠久, 設備一點也不含糊, 室內泳池, 兒童遊戲區, 應有盡有...

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Two Little Monkeys in the House

We have two little climbers in the house. (Maybe soon to be three...) They not only climb all different kinds of furniture but also the doorway frame as it is more of a challenge (Like this). So, daddy got an idea...

The only available wall for these rock climb holds is our hallway, which is still an old plaster wall. To secure the rocks on the wall, Charles first installed them on the big piece of plywood.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

"Two" Much Laughter

英文諺語形容兩歲為 Terrible 2, 對媽媽我而言這段時間是我最喜歡的時間, 孩子有了自己的意見, 懵懵懂懂的學著大人(哥哥姊姊) 的樣子, 可愛極了! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Create a Family Travel Pod

I think it was around early June. I had an emotional breakdown, which led us to arrange this short getaway. To minimize any contact with people, we considered renting a trailer to somewhere secluded. But then we found out that most RV parking spots are very close to each other, and I lacked confidence to contain my three little ones in such a tiny space. We turned our interest to Airbnb. Charles found this 3Bed 2Bath lake house with its own private beach by the lakeside of Lake Elsinore. It felt extremely good to break our daily routine for a few days...

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Father’s Day in Taiwan

I like Father’s Day in August because it distances the celebration from Mother’s Day and it’s actually easier to remember. It’s already the 9th in Taiwan but still 8th here in the US~ I know my dad doesn’t really celebrate any special occasion, but this year I like to speak aloud: Happy Father’s Day daddy! 

I believe in this special bond between father and daughter.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

She Shed

Today I want to reveal one half side of the garage. “Her” side. She Shed. We now call it “pool house.” 

For the structure,

Monday, July 20, 2020

Top 10 Lego Sets on My Wish List

Lego 這幾個月下來推陳出新, 推出了一系列又一系列的新產品線, 肯定集結了許多樂高界的精英, 不再單靠結合影視週邊商品吸引消費者, 走脫 pretend play 的傳統模式 (比如DOTS),

以及傾向成人消費群 (比如LEGO® Art, LEGO® Brick Sketches™, Character Helmet) 的產品, 原本單單鍾愛 Creator Expert Modular Building 的建築系列, 如今被他們創新的組合產品惹得心癢, 真是每一款都愛不釋手; 因著疫情持續蔓延居家生活無限期, Lego 在其中銷售直上雲霄, 每每新品一出立刻銷售一空, 以至於待買清單越來越長, 以下整理出除了 Modular Buildings 之外, 十大超想入手的樂高組...

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Garage Conversion

改造家裡是永遠沒有結束的一天, 就在以為應該差不多了的時候, 我們動起了改造車庫的念頭... (其實是我想了很久, 他終於也願意開工了) 找點靈感賞心悅目一下

Backyard Oasis
本想隨著允許車庫改建的法案通過, 乾脆改成一衛一廳的小套房, 經過思量及討論, 挖通排汙系統實在價值不斐, 與其花時間金錢蓋出一個不知多經常用得上的房間, 還不如根據我們目前本身的需求來改造

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Out and About | Taking Kids to Outdoor

This pandemic has made us look for somewhere local and secluded to explore. Before the weather got hotter, we went out and about a couple times in the past few months.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Bunk Bed Bedroom Reveal

When the school closed in the middle of March, the rest of March felt like two months long. And then all of the sudden, today is the last day of June… Going back to the topic,

Friday, June 12, 2020

Talking Race and Diversity to My Kids

I’ve been reading articles and news about injustice, racism, and protests the past few days; and this Fowl Language Comics had stayed in my mind.

Friday, May 22, 2020

How We Organize Kids’ Lego

作為一家子的樂高迷, 處理孩子們的樂高是需要有點學問的, 媽媽我觀察到每當凌亂的樂高被收拾乾淨, 整齊擺放之時, 孩子們對於樂高的專心度和創意度便會大幅提升; 在嘗試了千萬種收納方式後, 現在所呈現的是目前大家都能接受的收納方法:

Monday, May 18, 2020

Front Yard Picnic

I wanted to write something but my mind went blank. 24/7 in the same space starts to wear out my energy and patience... :( Although I felt a little wreck today, the following pictures reminded me to be grateful for the beautiful sunshine and for my loved ones who unconditionally embrace who I am.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Always My Mom, Forever My Friend

來美後, 似乎一直沒有機會跟母親在一起度過母親節, 今年由於全球疫情心裡頗有感觸...

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May the Force Be with Us…

Yesterday was May the 4th and the following picture popped out to me. It was two years ago...
(see the original post)

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Birthdays Celebration for My Loved Ones

小愛並不在生日人列哩, 可她那個表情實在有夠搶鏡!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Table Battle Hockey Game

I spotted this interesting game on Pinterest the other day and showed it to Charles. 
A few hours later…

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Swimming in April

明明兩個星期前我們還在火爐前烤火, 這幾天已經熱到不開冷氣很難忍的地步, 於是...
擁有這泳池三年了, 小樂樂也從妹妹變成了樂姊了 XD

Friday, April 24, 2020

Adapting to the New Normal

I felt that I was overwhelmed by the daily news over a month now. I'd like to rephrase the previous post title to “Stay at Home with Kids.” I was inspired by the BucketList Family, an Internet Influencer, who encourages people to stay positive while we live through this significant moment of history. Indeed, sometimes my little ones make me want to scream in the pillow, but being creative with them is so much fun and enjoyable. Hopefully at the end of this special time of our lives, we will share and memorize these moments and be grateful... 

Here are some of the good moments from my poor resolution phone:

Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Own Creation

Today instead of posting an existing Lego set, I want to share some of my own creation. In Lego world called “MOC”. I like my collection of Lego to be displayed around the house, so I barely take them apart to pieces. Aside from the fact that I have limited time during the day and my lack of creativity, I don’t really have many spare bricks to work on something new. One day as I browsed some Lego creation on Pinterest, I found that it doesn’t take many pieces to build this little guy -- Wall-E.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Stuck at Home with Kids

疫情來勢洶洶, 真沒想到幾個星期前還在想辦法寄口罩給台灣的父母, 如今形勢大翻轉, 學校開始停課, 也終止了所有的課外活動, 原本還沒開始的春假一下子感覺遙遙無止期; 好似反應著這股低氣壓的氛圍, 這幾日時不時下起連綿細雨, 和三隻小豬乖乖待在家裡, 三雙小眼巴眨巴眨的盯著... 媽媽還能出哪招? 

首先, 制定好一套每日基本的例行時間表, 規律的作息可以讓孩子們快速進入狀況, 什麼時間該做什麼, 什麼時間是屬於"不要打擾"媽媽的時間; 早上吃完早餐後規劃為學習時間, 內容簡單扼要, 先走一遍今日幾月幾號星期幾, 天氣如何... 接著每日一字(這本是我認為目前較適合孩子們認字的中文課本), 兩張依照學校進度的練習題, 最後搭配一些小遊戲作結束, 例如桌遊, 勞作, 畫畫等; 我也邀請孩子們輪流當老師, 讓他們把自己學校的流程帶入這段餐桌時間, 讓孩子們欣然享受這段桌上學習時光...

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Bronze Anniversary

Last week the fourth marked the 8th year of our marriage. Who would believe that Mr. Chu surprised me with a bronze personalized gift! What a surprise! This unromantic guy actually spent time online searching for something made out of bronze and finding one that his wife wouldn’t blame him for wasting money. XD

We had less than two hours to spare on Thursday morning.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Our Baby i is Officially a Toddler

(Previously...) 媽媽"勉強"完成了小小愛的一周年系列照, 只是最後一個月一拖再拖成了第十五個月

上個星期帶小小愛第18個月例行檢查; 天呀! 一歲半, 真是個讓媽媽又想哭又想笑的時段, 小愛的語言能力在哥哥姊姊的帶領下能清楚表達自己要什麼 (大部分的時候是"不要"什麼), 學話總是抓字尾, 常常讓大家笑開懷, 個性如今也顯露出來, 她的好強一點也不輸給姊姊, 不爽的時候簡直是個 drama queen! 醫生只是輕輕一摸, 整個鬼哭神號, 儘管已經是第三隻小豬, 這讓我和查理斯還真是第一次如此措手不及...

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Playroom mini Makeover

There are a little of here and there changes that happened last year in the kids’ playroom a.k.a. the family room. 

I first removed all the frames and stuff on the wall and requested a bookshelf.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Chinese New Year

今年的中國年在本就無濃厚氣份的美國感覺起來更加冷清, 不光是疫情的襲擊, 連往年齊聚一堂的cousins們也都另有安排, 今年就只我們三隻小豬留守...

那麼就讓 Lego人們假裝熱鬧一下好了...
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