Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Own Creation

Today instead of posting an existing Lego set, I want to share some of my own creation. In Lego world called “MOC”. I like my collection of Lego to be displayed around the house, so I barely take them apart to pieces. Aside from the fact that I have limited time during the day and my lack of creativity, I don’t really have many spare bricks to work on something new. One day as I browsed some Lego creation on Pinterest, I found that it doesn’t take many pieces to build this little guy -- Wall-E.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Stuck at Home with Kids

疫情來勢洶洶, 真沒想到幾個星期前還在想辦法寄口罩給台灣的父母, 如今形勢大翻轉, 學校開始停課, 也終止了所有的課外活動, 原本還沒開始的春假一下子感覺遙遙無止期; 好似反應著這股低氣壓的氛圍, 這幾日時不時下起連綿細雨, 和三隻小豬乖乖待在家裡, 三雙小眼巴眨巴眨的盯著... 媽媽還能出哪招? 

首先, 制定好一套每日基本的例行時間表, 規律的作息可以讓孩子們快速進入狀況, 什麼時間該做什麼, 什麼時間是屬於"不要打擾"媽媽的時間; 早上吃完早餐後規劃為學習時間, 內容簡單扼要, 先走一遍今日幾月幾號星期幾, 天氣如何... 接著每日一字(這本是我認為目前較適合孩子們認字的中文課本), 兩張依照學校進度的練習題, 最後搭配一些小遊戲作結束, 例如桌遊, 勞作, 畫畫等; 我也邀請孩子們輪流當老師, 讓他們把自己學校的流程帶入這段餐桌時間, 讓孩子們欣然享受這段桌上學習時光...

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Bronze Anniversary

Last week the fourth marked the 8th year of our marriage. Who would believe that Mr. Chu surprised me with a bronze personalized gift! What a surprise! This unromantic guy actually spent time online searching for something made out of bronze and finding one that his wife wouldn’t blame him for wasting money. XD

We had less than two hours to spare on Thursday morning.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Our Baby i is Officially a Toddler

(Previously...) 媽媽"勉強"完成了小小愛的一周年系列照, 只是最後一個月一拖再拖成了第十五個月

上個星期帶小小愛第18個月例行檢查; 天呀! 一歲半, 真是個讓媽媽又想哭又想笑的時段, 小愛的語言能力在哥哥姊姊的帶領下能清楚表達自己要什麼 (大部分的時候是"不要"什麼), 學話總是抓字尾, 常常讓大家笑開懷, 個性如今也顯露出來, 她的好強一點也不輸給姊姊, 不爽的時候簡直是個 drama queen! 醫生只是輕輕一摸, 整個鬼哭神號, 儘管已經是第三隻小豬, 這讓我和查理斯還真是第一次如此措手不及...
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