Friday, November 27, 2020

Through My Children’s Eyes

Today is Black Friday. I spent the night (and last night) organizing the photos from my camera roll so that I could stay away from all the ads, deals and sales, which kept tricking me into buying more. As I went through all the pictures, I found some gems that I wanted to make sure I archive them properly. These are the photos that my kids took when I was unaware:  

photo taken by el

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Organize Lego Building Instruction

Since I became a Lego Afol, I’ve accumulated tons of building instruction booklets. I used to throw them in a drawer. However, the number of them just grows so fast that the little drawer is no longer able to house them anymore.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Travel | Glamping at Joshua Tree National Park

2020.11.04 - 11.06 Joshua Tree, California, United States

這個月月初, 咱家又進行了一次三天兩夜之旅, 這次的目的地是 Joshua Tree; 若干年前帶著六個月大的恩仔露營過一回, 那回風沙太大, 媽媽和恩仔躲在車裡過夜, 也沒機會進到國家公園裏, 印象不佳; 這回我們相當幸運地碰上不熱不冷又無風的絕佳天氣! 查理斯 Airbnb 了一台歷史久遠的 Airstream 露營車, 給了我們一次深刻的印象和新鮮的體驗...

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Welcome to Diagon Alley

我沒辦法決定主題是這條樂高 "斜角巷" 還是這三位可愛的霍格華茲學生...XD
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